Collection: Maxi Dresses

Maxi Dresses

Boho Maxi Dress

By definition, a maxi dress is a dress with an ankle or floor length. Its most prominent part is the way it close-fits the top and opens up at the bottom. A boho maxi dress adds spirituality and freedom to this flowy appearance of the maxi dress. There are also many different types of maxi dresses; a boho maxi dress with sleeves is one. A boho floral maxi dress also brings out the freshness of the first day of spring. No wonder we keep talking about maxi dresses for women; they're all wonderful options!

As Clandestino, we believe a Maxi Dress is,

A dress to make you feel like you're walking in the air: light as a feather and as original as it gets. The moment you get into a boho maxi dress, it's inevitable not to feel like a fairy-tale protagonist on a quest! The way it flows in the air and fits perfectly into your body is simply captivating. With a variety of colors and patterns, a flowy boho maxi dress is a timeless beauty.

Summertime and my flowy boho maxi dress are ready!

When it comes to boho dresses, each season has a reason to rock a boho maxi dress; however, we can't deny summer comes first. After the rainy season is over and the sun starts to shine brightly in the sky, streets are ready for your flowy boho maxi dress! Each time you wear your clothing, it'll continue to remind you of those happy moments. Sunny days are calling for a boho floral maxi dress. Their flowy texture and cotton made materials make them comfortable to wear on hot days.

A dress paradise with lots of patterns and colors: maxi dresses for women

Women don't want to follow mainstream fashion trends; they want to have as many boho maxi dresses as possible! Why did you ask? Well, bohemian clothing for women offers the most diverse styled dresses in different sizes, colors, and patterns. This makes them a dress paradise for women who love naturalness and fashion.

Colors make life vibrant, activating the energy in us. That being said, surrounding ourselves with colors we love has its perks. A boho floral maxi dress with your top colors turns a grey day into one with possibilities.

There are also different sleeve lengths, including; long, petal, ruffle, bat, and half sleeves for boho maxi dress with sleeves. While sleeveless maxi dresses for women offer a sexy look, a boho maxi dress with sleeves catches up with them! When the weather gets chilly, don't give up on your clothing; choose one with a sleeve and have fun.

A boho maxi dress is ready to be your best companion. Here's how!

Clandestino presents different dresses and other pieces that go well together. Along with your flowy boho maxi dress, leather sandals, and a nice fedora, make the perfect look for a day at the beach.

If you like to expand your boho style even more, check up on our Women's boho hippie pants for some great combinations!

Style your Boho Maxi Dress the way you want

Three tips for completing your boho maxi dress!

1. A black leather jacket goes a long way!

The frenzy over black leather jackets may be over but hear us out. A form-fitting leather jacket over your boho floral maxi dress is a classic and elegant look for many occasions!

2. Leather Sandals for beach days

A pair of earth color sandals is a dependable companion with their easy use and light texture.

3. More headscarves, please!

Matching a boho maxi dress with sleeves with a headscarf is a look for sure. Tons of variations wait for you.